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Lockdown Training Week Beginning 6.4.20

Here are this week’s training and challenges from Sally and team!

Group sessions on Zoom

Zoom sessions Monday 19.30 Zoom spin, Friday 6 p.m. Zoom spin, Wednesday 6 p.m. living room S & C

In Your Own Time sessions

· Run sessions x 2

· Swim strength

· Bike sessions – 1 turbo and 1 outdoor

· Details of Craig’s NC500 challenge

· ‘Fun’ challenge

Run Session 1 Thank you to Alasdair for putting this together Run Sessions designed to get you to run 5k faster This session could be done very close to your house. All you need is a bit of space and a timer of some sort. Prior to main set do the following. Will take no more than 15 minutes 3-minute warm up run at RPE 3. This to be followed by Drills:- Leg swings forward and back and side to side 10 each on both sides i.e.40 in total. Walking lunges getting good stretch x 10. Jog back and repeat. squats turning from side to side x 10 High knee walking x 10 jog back and repeat Do a series of strides 4 x 60-70m getting progressively faster You can do other dynamic drills to suit Main set lasting 30 minutes Run for 10 minutes at RPE 3/4. This should be a nice easy pace. Then directly into - 1-minute run @ RPE 8 followed by a 1-minute walk. Repeat this a further 4 times which will be 10 minutes in total. Cool Down Go straight into a 10-minute run at RPE 3/4. Finish with some stretching

Run Session 2 A simple pacing run, covering any distance you choose. 10 mins warm up – easy run, dynamic stretches, strides How far (or for how long) do you want to run? Take that total figure and divide by 4. Start easy and increase your pace for each quarter. Eg if you want to run for 40 minutes, start running easy for 10, lift your effort in the next 10, run harder again for the third 10 and then push to your threshold for the last 10. Give yourself 5 min cool down jog at the end, and stretch off

Swim Strength

And if you don't have a band

Bike Session 1- Turbo

Turbo Session Courtesy of TS The session should take around 1 hour 15 minutes to complete and is broken into 4 parts: Warm up – Preparation – Main set – Cool down. It is a toughy. Warm up: 10 minutes easy 5 minutes at 90 rpm / RPE 4 4 minutes at 95 rpm / RPE 5 3 minutes at 100 rpm / RPE 6 2 minutes at 105 rpm / RPE 7 1 minute at 110 rpm / RPE 8 2 minutes at 90 rpm / RPE 4 Preparation: 20 seconds seated acceleration to finish at max effort followed by 1 minute 40 seconds easy. Repeat 4 times. 5 minutes easy choice cadence. Main set: 20 seconds sprint at RPE 9. Followed by 40 seconds very easy RPE 3 Repeat 10 times. 10 minutes easy spin RPE 3 20 seconds sprint at RPE 9 Followed by 40 seconds very easy RPE 3 Repeat 10 times. Cool down: Easy spin for at least 10 minutes after finishing the main set.

Bike Session 2

Outside Bike (assuming we are still permitted!) If you don’t have a turbo and want a structured session for some outdoor training: 90 minute ride Ride 20 mins easy to warm up Find a good hill that takes around 4 or 5 minutes to climb, but not too steep, then do the following set: Climb is the effort, descent is your recovery 2 x seated at RPE 9 2 x out of saddle at RPE 9 2 x in and out of saddle when you feel like it 2 x over gearing (sub 60RPM) Easy spin home 20 mins

Fun Challenge

“Fun” Challenge We are in week 2 of our skipping challenge. Those who participated last week will be looking to improve this week, and anyone new to it – the aim is to complete as many consecutive skips as possible! Build up gradually – start with no more than 5 mins of skipping at a time, (and take breathers if you need!) and count your jumps to track your progress. Video evidence needs to be submitted for inclusion on the leaderboard. This is the start of week 1 of the Planking challenge: So rules for this one: 1. Hold the longest plank. 2. you have a week to prep for your challenge video. (Don’t try and hold your longest ever plank on day one, that’s an excellent way to injure yourself. Practice and build up.) 3. Video yourself so we can see both the time and the quality of the plank. 4. You may choose your style of plank. 5. Final submissions by sunset next Sunday So I would suggest that you practice planking every day this week to build your strength and your control, and video your submission attempt at the end of the week (if you wish to be included on the leaderboard). If you’re new to it, try 10 secs and build up from that, or try doing 60 seconds but drop to your knees for a little rest every 10 secs or so then go back into it. I would also suggest videoing your practices or doing it in front of a mirror so that you can review your position and improve it if necessary. Generally planking on your hands is easier and on your elbows is harder, so you can choose! But either way, make sure you’re not sticking your bum in the sky or letting yourself dip like a banana. See the below photos for example.

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